Rose Gordon

b. 1982; San Francisco CE artist from 2009 - 2011

Prolific and multi-talented, Rose Gordon works with numerous media, including ceramics, fabric, printmaking, and all drawing and painting materials. Gordon says making art is “fun, exciting, and yet calming too.” Often light-hearted and witty, her work is inspired “from anywhere but mainly from video games/anime I like, or animals, like cats, dogs, birds, and fish.” Her style is one of clean, well-defined lines and elegant arrangements, occasionally with an accompanying quote or text. Her fabric work retains these characteristics of spare figural elements above an embroidered phrase that, in turn, sheds new light on the image. Gordon’s printmaking is bold, allegorical, and uses multiple colors and layers to convey its imagery. Beautifully sculpted and carefully glazed figures make up her three-dimensional work, which displays the same elegance and wit seen in her drawings and paintings.


Select Exhibitions & Projects

Hands on Clay, Creativity Explored, San Francisco, CA
SMALL, Creativity Explored, San Francisco, CA
The Masters, Creativity Explored, San Francisco, CA
Black and White and Read All Over, Creativity Explored, San Francisco, CA

Ritual/Habitual, Creativity Explored, San Francisco, CA
Santos y Otros Creatures, Creativity Explored, San Francisco, CA

And Then... , Creativity Explored, San Francisco, CA

You Are Here, Creativity Explored, San Francisco, CA
Functionable, Creativity Explored, San Francisco, CA


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