José Campos

1953-2020, El Salvador CE artist from 2018-2020

José Campos was born in 1953 in El Salvador and first became a CE artist nearly 30 years ago. He recently returned to the studio program in 2018 after a long hiatus, and up until his passing in May 2020, was consistently creating artwork. During the shelter-in-place order, Campos was staying with his caretaker, Ana, and her husband, and would spend time drawing with Ana’s grandchildren.

Campos used a few words to communicate, but was adept at communicating with his eyes and his beaming smile. Seated at the first table in the studio, nearest to the gallery doors, Campos would greet everyone entering the studio with his characteristic grin. He would nod appreciatively when discussing his art and choosing supplies.

His artwork is light, airy, and rooted in a delicate mark-making practice. Campos would move slowly and deliberately, dedicating his attention to each line. Over time, his marks would amass, creating fluid-like forms organized in compositions filled with a sinuous tension. His characteristic bundles of fibrous marks stretch across the paper connecting to other forms like nervous synapses.

Read more about Campos on our blog here:


Select Exhibitions & Projects

The park "a darling walk for the mind", Creativity Explored, San Francisco, CA


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